2023 Indoor Rowing Challenge
STF Trustee, Nigel Hall, is completing a rowing challenge to raise money for the charity during 2023. He intends to row one million metres during the year.
It would be great if you can support Nigel and make a donation or if you have joined in and challenged yourself please let us know!
Elsewhere within this site you can read about some of the good causes we have supported and look to support going forward.

London to Brighton Bike Ride
As soon as the first lot of restrictions were lifted Arlie Talboys And his friend Luis Callaghan decided to cycle from Claygate to Brighton to raise money for the charity. Steve was also a keen cyclist and Arlie wanted to continue to make sure his Dads bike got the mileage in that Steve was no longer able to do. They cycled 93 km in 3hr 55mins. They started raising money 24 hours prior to the cycle and raised £2434.20. The challenge continues.....